
Archive for November 2008

“Change”: The Iron Fisted reach-around

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…and you’ll just love it to death

    .Joe Biden
    Rahm Emanuel
    Hillary Rodham Clinton
    Madeleine Albright
    Richard Holbrooke
    Dennis Ross
    Martin Indyk
    Anthony Lake
    Lee Hamilton
    Susan Rice
    John Brennan
    Jami Miscik
    John Kerry
    Bill Richardson
    Robert Gates
    Ivo H. Daalder
    Sarah Sewall
    Michele Flournoy
    Wendy Sherman
    Tom Donilon
    Denis McDonough
    Mark Lippert

So this is what it comes down to?

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After 13 years of providing the most expansive coverage of anti-imperialistic foreign policy journalism, and proving the manipulating liars wrong on a daily basis with all the best sources, all in one place, regardless of political affiliation and not beholden to the admniistration du jour, this is how much appreciation is shown for their exhaustive efforts?

Oh, I get it. Now that the so-called “peace candidate” has prevailed in the latest Circus of Deceit, you can all go back to sleep and everything will be taken care of for you, even so far as paying your bills and saving your mortgage, as claimed by some such euphoric celebrants. Well, here’s a little reality check for you… this new president’s cabinet is filling up quickly with all the same warmongering, vile murderers from the last democratic administration, the current republican administration and even some from behind the scenes at PNAC. So, if you think there’s going to be some kind of ‘change’ from the outgoing war criminal, to the next one in line to be taking his place, well, better hope you’re not under forty because there’s a good chance you could be dead wrong, just as the millions that have needlessly died at the hands of the last two administrations.

If you’re unaware of Antiwar.com, or have never contributed, or are not on their mailing list, or just take for granted that they’re funded by huge corporations as NPR and the MSM are, you need to read this and please help out if you can. You can’t ‘change’ anything if you don’t know what’s going on.

A Personal Appeal From Antiwar.com’s Webmaster

13 Years of Antiwar.com

When I began Antiwar.com in December 1995, a Democrat was in the White House.
His foreign policy was bellicose yet largely supported by the Washington establishment.
As the president bombed Iraq, Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Sudan, it was out of fashion
to be antiwar, and opposing the U.S. empire was left to a tiny minority across the
political spectrum.

Since then I have seen my “hobby” blossom into the most important and widely read
foreign policy site online. We are consistently ranked among the top political news
sites on the Web, reaching up to 100,000 visitors per day with original reportage
and commentary. We also search far and wide to find and publicize news and analysis
that the mainstream media excludes.

Antiwar.com’s popularity boomed in response to George W. Bush’s post-9/11 global
war on terror, especially his invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. But remember:
it was U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East in the 1990s and before that led to
the blowback of 9/11, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the accompanying assault
on our liberties. We sincerely hope Barack Obama will end the worst excesses of
the Bush administration, but even that will not be enough to secure our peace and freedom
and stop the killing of innocents. The blame for American imperialism and its terrible
consequences transcends party lines. We have no reason to believe these problems
will end on Obama’s watch.

The president-elect has vowed to draw down from Iraq and close Guantanamo, but those
near him have hinted that the changes will not be as dramatic as we have been led
to believe. Meanwhile, he has consistently advocated a bigger military, a surge
in Afghanistan, attacks on Pakistan, and a hardline approach to Iran and Russia.
We also expect a revival of the “humanitarian” interventionism that we saw under
Clinton. On the domestic front, Obama has already caved on surveillance and the
PATRIOT Act. We may hope for the best, but we should prepare for the worst.

Now is not a time for partisanship. The Republicans were handed a deserved rebuke
in the last election. But the unspeakable costs of war are the same regardless of
the party in power. The world needs Antiwar.com as much as ever before, and we need
you to keep us afloat.

We don’t have a huge staff with cushy jobs, living it up on your donations. We appreciate
every penny. We work around the clock. Personally, I work six – sometimes seven – days
a week, from eight in the morning till ten at night. And those are the quiet days…

We don’t take your support for granted. Please don’t take us for granted, either.
Now that most of Bush’s critics have lost their energy and become complacent with
the ascent of Obama, the hard work of watching the War Party falls more heavily
on our shoulders. Please help us carry the load.

Give as much as you can, as soon as you can. Please contribute today.

And thank you.
~ Eric Garris, Webmaster, Antiwar.com

Say “NO!” to Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State

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Antiwar.com Action Alert

Say NO! to Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State

Originial Antiwar.com Column by Justin Raimondo
Take Action

Please let the incoming presidential administration know that you demand real change in our interventionist foreign policy. A Secrectary of State Hilllary Clinton is not change but tacit approval for someone who supported the bombing of Kosovo, the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, and a renewed cold war with Russia.

Demand President Elect Barack Obama make a stand for peace by not appointing Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. You can easily let the transition team know your thoughts on this matter by calling 202-540-3000 or pasting the letter below into this form.

Dear President Elect Obama:

You sailed to victory on the promise of change and hope. For those of us who love peace, a change in foreign policy cannot come about by rewarding those who support and argued for the continued occupation of Iraq. You said we must not “to bully it [the world] into submission – we must lead the world, by deed and example.” Please allow your administration to reflect those values you so eloquently expressed.

President Elect Obama, we want change in the White House. We ask you to not to appoint Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.


[Your Name]

Written by mudshark

November 18, 2008 at 11:41 pm

Gareth Porter on the “smoking laptop”

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aw-radio-logo2Today on Antiwar Radio, Dr. Gareth Porter will be discussing the so-called “smoking laptop” at 1:15pm est.

Dr. Porter is an investigative historian and journalist on U.S. national security policy. He is also the author of four books, the latest of which is Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam (University of California Press, 2005). He also writes for Inter Press Service on U.S. policy toward Iraq and Iran since 2005.

The show is streamed live from the Antiwar Radio page at Antiwar.com,

Written by mudshark

November 11, 2008 at 10:30 am

Michael Scheuer on Al Qaeda

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aw-radio-logo2Today on Antiwar Radio, Michael Scheuer will be discussing Al Qaeda and the recent US election at 12:15pm est.

Michael Scheuer is the former chief of the CIA’s bin Laden unit and author of Through Our Enemies Eyes: Osama bin Laden, Radical Islam, and the Future of America, Marching Toward Hell: America and Islam After Iraq and Imperial Hubris: Why the West Is Losing the War on Terror.

The show is streamed live from Antiwar Radio page at Antiwar.com,