
Posts Tagged ‘Giraldi

Cheney’s al-Qa’ida Fantasia Debunked

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Written by mudshark

April 14, 2008 at 5:45 pm

bin Laden losing his grip?

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As Philip Giraldi notes:in yesterdays @TAC:

The conviction is growing in intelligence circles that Usama bin Laden’s days might be numbered, but his demise will likely have nothing to do with Bush Administration efforts to kill him, which continue to be inept, unfocused, and overly reliant on allies like Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf to do the heavy lifting. Many officers within the counterterrorism community are beginning to question some basic assumptions about al-Qaeda and how great a threat it continues to represent.

maybe that explains why the coalition occupiers in Afghanistan are dropping supplies to the Taliban?

“It’s not the first time weapons are dropped there,” he added rejecting the report by the head of Afghanistan’s intelligence service Amrullah Saleh who told a parliament security committee that “the coalition helicopter dropped by mistake to Taliban militants food and weapons intended for a police checkpoint in a remote section of Zabul province.”


Written by mudshark

April 14, 2008 at 2:09 pm